Paving and reclamation work set for 23 Penacook streets this year

Those of you who attended the Penacook Village Association meeting last month got to hear about this, and residents of the streets scheduled for work should soon receive correspondence by mail from the City with more information.

The streets slated for work this year are: Barnett Street; Bonney Street; Brodeur Street; Bye Street; Canal Street (from Village St, to Community Dr.); Chandler Street; Coral Street; Dolphin Street; Electric Avenue; Elliott Street; Fifield Street; Hardy Avenue; MacCoy Street; Merrimack Street; Meter Street; Shaw Street; Stark Street  Steeple View; Summer Street; Sweatt Street; Tanner Street; Webster Place (Elm St. to town line); Winter Street.  

Weather permitting, work will begin at the end of March or early April on streets west of Village St., such as Coral, Chandler, Electric, Elliott, Fifield, Sweatt, and Webster.  Starting in June, work will begin on streets to the east of Village St.

Some basic points to keep in mind are:

• During the construction, streets will be closed to on-street parking between 7am and 5pm. One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times during the construction.

• There will be some minor vibrations caused by the equipment used to complete the work.  As a precaution, valuables should be taken from walls or shelves to prevent any damage and can be returned to position after final pavement is completed.
• As part of the preparation for the paving program, you will see City crews clearing back vegetation within the public right of way.

Residents on these streets will also receive information on the City's Curb Cost Share Program, and Sustainable Street Tree Program.  If you do not have granite curbing, this is an opportunity to get it installed along your entire property line that abuts the street, at a cost to you of $27.60 per linear foot.  There is also an opportunity to have a tree planted in your front yard.  The City has the capacity to plant between 25 and 30 trees per year in suitable locations.  All property owners can take advantage of this program.

For more information, or if anyone experiences any issues during the work, you can reach out to Jim Major (Concord's Highway and Utilities Superintendent), Project Manager, at 603-228-2737 or  Fred Schaefer is the on-site inspector for the City and he can be reached at 603-228-2737 or