PVA Tree Lighting on December 7

November 29 [update]:

Due to inclement weather, the PVA has changed the date for the 17th Annual Penacook Tree Lighting to Wednesday, December 7, at 6:00 pm at Boudreau Square on Village Street. Attendees can assemble around 5:30 pm to hear carols and singing featuring the Penacook Elementary School Chorus, the Merrimack Valley High School Holiday Ensemble Band, and the Blanchard Family Singers, and watch Santa arrive courtesy of the Concord Fire Department.

November 7:

The PVA will be hosting the 17th Annual Penacook Tree Lighting event on Wednesday, November 30 at Boudreau Square on Village Street. Folks can start to assemble around 5:30 pm to hear carols and singing featuring the Penacook Elementary School Chorus and Blanchard Family Singers and watch Santa arrive courtesy of the Concord Fire Department.

Christmas tree in Penacook, NH.