You may be aware that the proposal by the Penacook Community Center to develop land at 95-97 Village Street for their new Community Center has been abandoned. The land was placed for sale and the interested buyer is CATCH Neighborhood Housing, who would like to merge the lots, change the zoning to residential, and construct approximately 40, one to three-bedroom affordable housing units in multiple buildings on the property. Their first step will occur at a public hearing Wednesday, April 3 at the 7 pm Zoning Board meeting in Council Chambers on 37 Green St. The Zoning Board will review the request for a variance to allow multi-family development with a total frontage of 148 feet where 150 feet is required. Their next phase will be at the City Council meeting on April 8, where Council will be asked to adopt the zone change. Council may refer the matter to the Planning Board first, or it may set a public hearing. Stay tuned for updates.